Evolution of our products

1947 – 1960

The first axles consisted of square billets with cast steel hubs, tapered roller bearings, stopper nuts and iron washers.
Road traffic and infrastructures are expanding.
SAE starts the production of steering axles and tandems

1960 - 1980

Hubs were made with cast steel iron and started to be improved by the introduction of back rubber seals allowing a better sealing of the grease and an extension of the durability of the bearings, as well as, the use of studs and nuts to fix the wheels and improve the overall quality.
During these years, the traffic flow, the speed and the power of trucks are increasing, It becomes primordial to ensure a better safety particularly while braking.
The transition between small drum brakes to bigger brakes is on its way, with interconnected pneumatic controls driven by the truck.
The disc brake and the ABS System «Anti Lock Bracking System» emerge.

1980 - 1990

First disc brake prototype development
Mechanical suspensions are improved for a better adaptability, safety and stability.
Introduction of the parabolic springs
Introduction of pneumatic suspensions
The first ISO norms appears, imposing more security


Investment in a machine allowing to produce hollow axles tubes by forging. Using this technique coupled with roller burnishing (surface hardening) allows a perfect fit for bending stress.
The reduction of the axle load gives an increase of the truck payload.
The group GIGANT is certified ISO 9001.
Introduction of automatic slack adjusters.

From 2000 to nowadays

The hub manufacturing method advances towards a cast iron FGS (spheroidal graphite iron) conception. This process allow a greater robustness combined with a weight gain.
Using of compact bearings for the new generation of axles and commercialisation of the first disc brake axles.
These prestressed bearings enable to double the bearings lifetime.
Investment in a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine with dual heads permitting a simultaneous machining of the spindles thereby providing a perfect alignment and reducing tire wear.
Investment in a cataphoresis production line, permitting the treatment of axle tubes. This painting method gives a uniform added layer protection even in the smallest spaces, by electrodeposition of the resin in electrolyc baths. The resistance is doubled compared to a standard painting method.

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